2013年the National Book Awards在fiction類的finalist。
本書一開始引用了這樣一段引言:「New York as a character in a mystery would not be the detective, would not be the murderer. It would be the enigmatic suspect who knows the real storybut isn't going to tell it」;本書故事發生在911事件前後的紐約市,主角是以調查商業詐欺案件為主業的單親媽媽,在友人委託下對一家內幕重重的公司進行調查。
在amazon.com的讀者評價中本書是獲得平均3顆半星(為台灣時間2014年4月27日中午12點的瀏覽結果):雖然給予5顆星者有61人,但也有33人給予1顆星,而給予2顆與3顆星的人數則分別是25與29人。其中一位給予3顆星的讀者或者說明了這樣的狀況:「Pynchon(本書作者) never fails to confound even polarize. You either adore his outings or profoundly struggle to understand his importance」。
作者或者是想表現一種城市風格感吧!但是一個沒有中心概念或者縝密敘事架構的故事,因為是成名的得獎作家就可能可以被說是凡人無法理解的技巧或功力,然而就像一位給予2顆星評價的讀者對作者的想法:「I think he writes for his own amusement and the reader be damned」,這樣的小說好像是用來證明讀完並且喜歡的人是有智慧的文學愛好者,但是自己是庸俗而膚淺的故事愛好者,少了故事感的小說就很難讓自己欣賞。
給予5顆星評價的讀者是怎麼說的呢?「interesting story that uses the dot.com boom plus NYC and Sept. 11 and bust to underscore a lot of issues that are relevant today」、「cultures: Jewish New Yorker, computer geek, Dante circles of hell, Mayan, Russian gangstas, farcical old movies, song lyrics, video games, it's all in there」、「And who but Pynchon could balance all this against the dotcom bust, the cyber-age and an alternate 9/11 history? It's not a novel to pick up and zip through--I read it slowly, savoring its sentences, and often went back and reread entire chapters (partly because, as some have noted, the plot is labyrinthine and absurdly complicated, but hardly the point.) Its prose and its vision of America at the beginning of the 21st century are nonpareil」。對本書的盛讚,好像是有一部來自於、作者成功地把許多文化或族群的元素融合在本書之中,然而自己不是美國人,對於這種元素化的美國當代社會描述既沒有能力深入也沒太有興趣投入,所以資質駑鈍的自己只能很抱歉地說,自己能給予本書的評價實在不高。